Apply for Vouchers
Psychotherapy Vouchers work in 4 steps.
Find a Therapist.
A Therapist Like Me will give you a You may be currently working with a therapist, you may have found one you’d like to work, A Therapist Like Me.
2. Consider what you need
Take into account how many sessions you may need (if you’re unsure, consult with the therapist you would like to see). Call your insurance company (if you have insurance) and ask what you’d have to pay if you were to see the therapist you would like to work with. Consider your insurance, your co-pay, and/or ability to pay.
2.Connect with the therapist
As a guide, we suggest you:
Ask, “are you or are you willing to apply to be a member of A Therapist Like Me?”
If the answer is yes, let them know that you are applying for a psychotherapy voucher, discuss financial details such as insurance, sliding scale, and private pay. Once you decide what you can afford on your own and how many sessions you’d like Tell them, “I am applying for a Psychotherapy Voucher for up to 16 sessions per year. I have/do not have insurance. $__ is what I can afford to pay per session.”
Based on the information and in consultation with the therapist, decide how many psychotherapy vouchers and how many sessions (up to 16) that you would like to apply for.