
Looking for a therapist like you?

What you’ll find in our profiles:

  • Social positions you and your therapist have in common

  • Information about your therapist (i.e., type of license, training/experience, & other info. about us)

  • Fees:

    • Insurance your therapist takes (if any)

    • Your therapist’s fee for services

    • Whether your therapist accepts reduced fees or holds the boundary of their fee

We have a boundary of not speaking for our therapists. If you would like more information regarding a particular therapist, please contact that therapist directly.


Looking to Become A Therapist Like Me?

Therapists identifying as minorities (from a societal lens or personally) are welcome to be a part of A Therapist Like Me’s directory. Connect with a network of therapists like you. Set your own rates.


Thanks for thinking about joining A Therapist Like Me. Please be respectful of your own boundaries. People of color/global majority cannot choose to disclose the color of their skin. Since we are grounded in racial equity and we are a resource for clients who identify as a minority/marginalized/oppressed, a requirement to be with us is that you identify yourself as a minority/marginalized/oppressed in some way. Outside of disclosing one part of your identity that is in a minority, social position, it is up to you to decide with whom, what (what parts of your identity), where, when, why, how, (how much of your identity), and if you want to disclose.


Donations are appreciated and not expected when you join us.



Thinking about opening your own private practice or want help getting more clients? We want you in this community and would like to support you. A Therapist Like Me will be offering a donations-based workshop to licensed, therapists of color on how to start and expand your practice in the next few months. In addition to learning the business and how to get going, we will be enlisting the support of our Asheville, therapist community. Support will include coaching, consulting, office-space, and other resources a person may need when starting a private practice.

Do you want to stay in the loop about business-opportunities, workshops, and events related to starting and maintaining a private practice?

(Not a therapist of color? Don’t worry, we will be offering more workshops like this one in the future for minority-identifying therapists with other intersections).